This is my life.. Surviving Fibro (Treatments)

Originally; Posted on March 13th, 2011

I continued to go to Counseling to try to figure out how to deal with the new obstacle in my life.  Many of the things I learned I do on a daily basis.

I have breathing exercises, tensing and relaxing my body, cold compacts on my forehead when it is racing, stopping when and emotional situation arises and actually think does this emotion warrant the situation. I am trying to balance.

Another thing my Counselor said which made me think was “Last Sunday, when I was in Church – I am certain that I was not praying to you”, his point;

It was not my job to make everyone else in my life happy, that I myself was not happy and that could not possibly be “there” for others if I can not be there for myself.

He also pointed out that just because someone states something does not make it real. He asks.. is it a statement or a fact. Think about it.

I started to put myself first (felt guilty at first), I made a point to start going to water gym classes, (now I am addicted) – it is what keeps me walking, keeps my mind settled.

I have tried and continue to try various medicines and vitamins. I am currently on Luxepro (works for me), Vit. D, Multi Vitamin, Fish Oil, Calcium, Vit. B, Tylenol (like candy), Nortryptiline & Melatonin (these 2 for sleeping and migranes).

I like all other Fibro patients, have pain every day. The more sleep I have the better I feel. The more exercise in the pool I have the better I feel. The pain does not go away. My main trigger points are my hips, my lower back, my gluets, the back of my next and the headaches.  I am very sensitive to the cold and to light.

I continue to work full-time, have a child in the 5th grade that is very very active in activities (of which I participate in most), and am married (we are currently in counseling – again).

Yesterday, I had a good day and did more than normal. I went to a water zumba class, a water gym class – and then went horseback riding in the afternoon. I was sure I was doing too much.

Yes – this a.m. was hard to get up, move, and I am sore – but it isn’t a flare up. It is my normal Sunday. I don’t know why Sunday’s are the toughest a.m.’s for me.

I am spending a lot of time online – joining some discussion boards – listening to other’s who are in similar situations. I continue to write.. I can’t seem to create poems when I am medicated and balanced – maybe that will come back some day.

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